Who’s Chas?
I’m an author, musician, dad, and X-grave digger. Seriously, I worked 6 months in a cemetery. I was mostly the lawn-care guy, but I did get to help in the cemetery once in a while. Once we were digging a grave and struck a vault – the cement box that the coffins are kept in. That was an interesting day. Of course that doesn’t beat the day we had to dig a guy up to and bury him somewhere else. He’d only been there a couple years, and I guess there was some family dispute, and they decided they wanted him moved. Well, that’s all fine and good, but we were the ones who got to do the dirty work.
Did you know that graves are usually dug the day before the service? Oh, they cover them with boards, but it sits there overnight. Did you also know that if the next morning is cool enough, heavy mist will rise from the hole when it is uncovered? I can tell you, that’s a sight to see. I could tell you stories from other cemetery workers that might give you chronic heeby-jeebies, but I’m sure you’re already losing faith in my character, so I’ll stop.
I been an active writer since 2004. Even earlier than that I’ve always enjoyed writing. I started keeping a daily journal when I was 13, and that started a pattern of regular writing that has continued to this day. My first book, a memoir of my missionary experiences in South Africa, was published in 2010. After studying music in college, I changed my major to English. As my family began to grow, I put college on hold, and have been freelance writing and composing ever since. I have a lot to learn and I’m excited to do so.
My first book, a memoir of my missionary experiences in South Africa, was published in 2010, and in July of 2011, Cedar Fort published my book, Marriage is Ordained of God, but WHO Came Up with dating?
I’ve been playing piano since 1994, and actively writing New Age piano compositions since about 1996. I have long felt that the greatest factor in the influence of a piece of music is the intent of its author. A piece may be beautiful, but if it has no meaning, it’s influence will fade with time. Likewise a relatively dull piece of music may take time to gain its popularity, but if its message is powerful enough, it will find a way to stand the test of time.
My CD’s can be heard or purchased at http://chashathaway.com/music
While music and writing are my most time-consuming hobbies, I also enjoy gardening, inventing games, and most of all, spending time with my beautiful wife and adorable little kids.
Contact me directly at chashathaway@willowrise.com
Here’s a list of where you can find me around the Internet:
The Best Places to Find me:
ChasHathaway.com – My website, featuring my music, both original and cover music. Soon to be equally featuring my books.
Willowrise.com – The website where you can see, read, or buy my book, Giraffe Tracks.
CDBaby: – Hear Samples of or buy my original music CDs
Making Moments: My Personal Blog (this one)
My Author Facebook fan-page – go and like my page – you know you want to!
My Music Facebook fan-page – anyone with a FB account can be a fan!
Youtube: My video podcasts, music videos, book trailers, etc.
Gospel Living Made Awesome: An LDS podcast my kids and I do together… occasionally
My Myspace band-page – Yeah, would you believe I still have a MySpace account? Though I should warn you, it’s a little out of date. Okay, it’s a lot out of date 😀
LinkedIn: I don’t use this as much as FB, but I’m slowly catching on.
You commented on my blog and asked about finding writing groups. I’ve heard two ideas on that–1) ask at your local library and 2) google it.